
Tasted: The Legendary Hatfield & McCoy Family Brand Whiskey

hatfieldmccoywhiskey-e1449172854317-7712b5b664000fa5b52871f32f2d5a6f73ea9d4bI have to admit, reviewing a whiskey with the Hatfield & McCoy names on it causes me some trepidation. Who wouldn’t be a little cowed by the prospect of taking sides in a high-profile family feud, with money, honor, and the rights to a whiskey legacy on the line?

Let me be clear: the feud I’m referring to isn’t the thirty-year cross-river dispute that made the names Hatfield and McCoy synonymous with “bitter family rivalry.” Rather, I’m talking about an argument that took place in the comment section right here on the Whiskey Wash when we reported on the…